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Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.- Hebrews 13:15

Our music ministry is dedicated to lifting up the name of Jesus and ushering in his presence through the gift of song. Thereby, allowing his people to find strength and relief in his presence. If you are a singer or a musician we could use your godly gift for exhortation. Let us exalt his name together!

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

The youth of Living Spirit Ministries are an integral part of our church. Every fourth Sunday is our Young In Christ service where the youth of LSM conduct service. It is our desire to reach the youth with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equip them to live godly lives in the world.

Outreach Ministry

Outreach Ministry

The heart of Living Spirit Ministries is to reach beyond the four walls of the church and to share the love of Christ through outreach. Current outreach efforts include the LSM Clothing closet, student/school support, and holiday drives, among others as the need arises.

Liberia Ministry

Living Spirit Ministries Overseas-Liberia

Living Spirit Ministries Liberia is under the divine leadership of Pastor Aaron T, Singbe

Kenya Ministry

Living Spirit Ministries Overseas-Kenya

​Living Spirit Ministries Kenya is under the divine leadership of  Pastor Maurice Ogolla

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